What if my content did not have a copyright notice (stamp or logo)?

Your content cannot be used without your permission even if it is not registered or "copyright". Your content cannot be published without your permission and can be removed under DMCA.
If content, like pictures, articles, art, photos are yours and original they are considered protected and even copyrighted.
DMCA.com can act on your behalf to get that content taken down for you. To get started submit the form here: Takedown Form



DMCA Takedown Fast Tip

The most effective method of removing your stolen content from another website is to file a DMCA Takedown.


If I don't have a copyright notice stamp or logo, how do I submit a takedown?

DMCA Takedown Notices need three main points of information:

  1. Source URL - where was your content located when it was stolen. If it was not online you can reference cell phone, computer, cloud storage or camera etc.
  2. Infringing URL - where on the internet (or platform like Facebook or TikTok) is your stolen content located. What is the link?
  3. Description of Ownership - what is the content owner's name and how was the content stolen. How is this content yours? How do you own it? Created it, bought it, copyright etc. Who is claiming ownership of the content? Who is authorized to file the DMCA Takedown?


Who can file DMCA Takedown Notices for removal of non-registered content?

  1. content publishers or distributors (with permission of the content or copyright owners)
  2. NFT owners
  3. social media users and participants
  4. content creators/owners
  5. copyright owners
  6. code writers and publishers
  7. subject contained within the content and published without permission (special considerations may be required)

If the lists above does not appear to describe your situation by all means ask. Click here to Ask us about your situation



DMCA Takedown Testimonial

We recently discovered that significant portions of our website content was copied almost verbatim. After significant time researching our options, I came across DMCA.com. Not only was the filing process quick and easy, the communication and service was outstanding. I am very please with the outcome and would absolutely recommend their services.


How can I see if a website follows DMCA process?

If a website uses the DMCA they will usually place a reference in the footer of the website. The clickthrough should clearly state the conditions of the DMCA Takedown process. Many websites reference the DMCA.com Takedown Notice form on this website directly. If you are unsure or the website unclear, click here to complete your takedown request: DMCA Takedown Form. Our professional team will connect your takedown request to the right website.


Can I add a DMCA references to my website?

DMCA.com's first recommendation is to contact a lawyer or law firm in the legal jurisdiction of your company or website to determine what is the appropriate legal communication. DMCA.com does not offer any legal advice or specific recommendation regarding any copyright practice.

DMCA.com has two programs to help content creators, publishers and UGC platforms:

  1. Content Publishers or Platforms of User Generated Content (UGC) should use the DMCA Compliance program - Get Compliant - adding a compliance badge to your site instantly takes the guess work and time out of processing DMCA Takedown notices on your site.
  2. Content Creators and Publishers (without UGC) should use DMCA.com Protection Pro - Content Protection - it is essential to add an ownership statement to all your content. Registering and adding your content and website to this program is click through easy. There is even a Free program so getting started is easy.

If you are unsure which program is best for you, please reach out and one of the DMCA.com team can provide support: Help Me Choose the right option.


Related DMCA Takedown FAQ's

  1. What is the DMCA Protected Badge DMCA.com Protection Status
  2. What is DMCA Protection
  3. What is DMCA Takedowns
  4. What is DMCA.com
  5. What is DMCA Protected Certificate
  6. What is DMCA Website Certificate
  7. What is DMCA Website Status Page and Protection Certificate


Start Your Takedown here: Takedown Form
Modified: 06/02/2023
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:86d85d9d-3beb-4f61-af56-d888dbce4d79
AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: https://www.rhsnibbles.com/faq/what-if-my-content-did-not-have-a-copyright-notice-stamp-or-logo.amp