does a lot of work for and in cooperation with lawyers and lawfirms. We have a very clear and established process that makes this arrangement highly effective for both the lawyer and their client.'s skill and talent is understanding the internet, its culture and how it "really" works. does not replace the lawyer or firm in this arrangement but rather becomes a partner to accomplish the same result. uses an existing law and established process on the internet to get stolen content taken down.
DMCA .com provides several services for lawyers, such as:
    1.'s Professional Takedown services. We do all the work for you, all you need to do is fill out our simple Takedown form. Takes less than 3 minutes. Click here to get started
    2.'s Do it yourself Takedown Service. We provide all the tools the professionals use and you spend the time researching and processing the Takedown Application.
    3. Research - often the content theft is extensive. As experts can find all the infringing content online for lawyers to provide a comprehensive list to their clients.
    To find out more click here:
Modified: 01/22/2019
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:f4691df4-a654-4b3a-ba52-dc839a54a16d
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