Content removal time frame varies depending on many factors. Most often we can have your stolen copyrighted content down within 24-48 hours.
We can help you get your content removed and answer any questions you may have. Click here to submit the takedown form and get started Takedown Form
Are there exceptions to the average time frame?
The average takedown time frame is within 10 business days. However, there are some instances where takedown can take up to 8 weeks or longer. How is it the takedown time can take longer than normal.
Common exceptions that can take additional time for takedown include:
- if the OSP/ISP does not follow standard DMCA policy or accepted takedown procedures
- if the OSP/ISP is located outside the USA
- if the OSP/ISP allows the website owner 72 hours to remove content
- if the website owner delays takedown through process with the ISP/OSP
If we know your takedown will take longer than the average 10 working days one of's Takedown professionals will often advise you prior to proceeding with the takedown.
DMCA Fast Tip
Many websites reference the Takedown Notice form on this website directly. If a website uses the DMCA they will usually place a reference in the footer of the website. The clickthrough should clearly state the conditions of the DMCA Takedown process.
How can I get my content removed from the website?
-'s Professionally Managed takedown service. We do all the work for you, all you need to do is fill out our simple Takedown form. Takes less than 3 minutes, to get started submit the form here: Takedown Form
-'s Do it Yourself takedown service. We provide all the tools the professionals use and you spend the time researching and processing the Takedown Application. DIY Services
How does a DMCA Takedown remove content?
Most websites, ISP's, OSP's, hosting companies have adopted the DMCA Takedown process to handle requests for the removal of illegally hosted content on websites within their control. As part of the U.S. copyright law, the DMCA addresses the rights and obligations of owners of copyrighted material who believe their rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed, particularly but not limited to, on the Internet. DMCA also addresses the rights and obligations of OSP / ISP (Internet Service Providers) on whose servers or networks the infringing material may be found. This law clearly provides a framework, called the DMCA Takedown (Section 512 (c)(3)), for a process between two parties for the request and removal of copied content found online. For more information you can visit:
If you want to learn more about DMCA Takedowns please see our other FAQ on this specific issue here What is a DMCA Takedown.
DMCA Takedown Testimonial
I recently had portions of my website plagiarized by another company. I contacted the owner of the company and their ISP. I got nowhere. After spending a large amount of time trying to initiate a takedown on my own and not being successful, I found I contracted for them to do the takedown. I was very impressed with their service. Professional and efficient. Lee was very nice and helpful. If I am in need of a takedown in the future, I will not hesitate to use their services. -Teresa Farrell
What information should I provide to have my content removed?
Three simple pieces of information are needed to file a DMCA Takedown Notice
- Description of Ownership - what is the content owner's name and how was the content stolen. How is this content yours? How do you own it? Created it, bought it, copyright etc. Who is claiming ownership of the content? Who is authorized to file the DMCA Takedown?
- Infringing URL - where on the internet (or platform like Facebook or TikTok) is your stolen content located. What is the link?
- Source URL - where was your content located when it was stolen. If it was not online you can reference cell phone, computer, cloud storage or camera etc.
If you are unsure on how to answer about any of these three information categories the Professional Takedown Team at can help with the answers.
What type of content can be stolen?
Some examples of stolen content that we work with everyday are:
- Pictures
- Videos
- Graphics
- Text
- Games
- Advertising
- Applications
- Programs
- Profiles or Bio's - personal or corporate
Related DMCA Takedown FAQ's
- What is the DMCA Protected Badge

- What is DMCA Protection
- What is DMCA Takedowns
- What is
- What is DMCA Protected Certificate
- What is DMCA Website Certificate
- What is DMCA Website Status Page and Protection Certificate